
6 Reasons Dental Implants Are a Popular Option

Teeth are designed to last a lifetime, but that is not always the case. Replacing missing teeth is vital, not just for the health of the other teeth, but to overall health. In addition to losing the ability to chew properly, failing to replace lost teeth can result in other teeth being tipped, crowded or even lost, which creates subsequent issues.

Then there are the obvious issues like loss of self-esteem and poor appearance caused by one or several missing teeth. When it comes to replacing a missing or failing tooth, dental implants are one of the best options. This is a procedure that has been practiced for over 50 years, and it’s known to be more effective than endodontic treatment, resin-bonded bridges and bridgework.

That being said, here are reasons dental implants are particularly popular when it comes to replacing teeth:

1. They are Designed to Last

One of the best features of dental implants is that they’re made to last. They consist of titanium rods, which are inserted into the jawbone to mimic the natural root structure. The bond that they create with the jawbone is robust, and with good dental hygiene, they can last a lifetime.  This implies that only a single treatment is required, and the patient will reap the benefits for the rest of their lives.

2. They Don’t Slip or Move

When it comes to full dental restoration, most people consider dentures rather than implants. However, dentures are removable and tend to shift and move throughout when talking or eating. With implants, however, the replicated crowns that cover them aren’t removable and do not move or slip. The patient can enjoy all their favourite treats and meals and talk with confidence without having to worry about the implants falling out.

3. They Protect The Other Healthy Teeth

When a person is missing one or a few teeth, chances are they will consider bridges in order to restore their smile. However, bridges call for the alteration of the adjacent teeth in order to fit the anchoring crowns.  This implies that healthy teeth will have to be drilled down to get a dental bridge. With dental implants, however, just the space of the missing tooth is treated, and the adjacent healthy teeth are left intact.

4. They Give a Comfortable Fit and Natural Look

Implants are made to function, feel and look like natural teeth. Additionally, they give people the confidence to eat and smile without worrying about their appearance.

5. Improved Ability to Chew and Eat

As mentioned earlier, implants are anchored in the jaw bone similar to natural teeth. Over time, they’ll help preserve the jaw bone and substantially minimize bone resorption. Simply put, dental restoration with dental implants allows for better chewing and speaking. The resources at are also helpful and could help you learn more information.

6. High Success Rate

Generally, well-planned and cared for implants offer ‘survival rates’ that are comparable or even better than other options. Also, as dental implant techniques and technology improves, so does the success rate.

Dental implants have many appealing benefits and should be considered when it comes to tooth or teeth replacement.

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