
The 10 Principles of Material Handling

Material handling solutions may possibly be the one main activity that all the work or distribution centers and warehouses can be boiled down to. After all, when it comes to getting the products or components or materials for your business, you may need to transport them from one destination to another and here is where the logistics industry comes into play. Packaging, handling, data tracking, and transportation are all essential tasks you need to pay special attention to as they also require the use of highly specialized equipment.

This article will talk about the ten principles you can apply to your industrial material handling equipment to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently and that you also get to save on costs as well.

  1. Start with a plan

You can call this the “planning principle” which should be your first step before you make any other move. You need to put all the material handling solutions of your business in one organized system where you can easily track and note any part of the material handling equipment that needs repairing or replacing and taking the necessary action as it occurs.

  1. Standardize all the parts of the material handling system

Your main goal should be to create a smooth and seamless system which will work in harmony with all the material handling equipment and ensure that there is very little to variance as much as possible in all of the material-handling approaches. This step calls for a standardized equipment, control design, software systems, and even the methods of handling the materials.

  1. Try and reduce work

This is one safety precaution you can use to ensure the safety of your workers and products and goods as well. Some material handling equipment comes with automated features which are very helpful as they are very effective and efficient in their work and the best part is that they can be manned remotely which reduces any chances of your workers getting injured.

  1. Invest in ergonomics

In this step, you should ensure that you match each industrial material handling equipment to the work that it was designed for and not anything else if you don’t want to run the risk of having broken down equipment. The same way you will consider the natural limitations of your workers is the same way you should think of your machines. This way, you are also keeping your workers safe as well.

  1. Match the unit loads to their capability

This is a crucial step as it involves understanding all of the border material handling strategies. For example, a carton, full-pallet load, or even tote bag can all make up a border unit load.

  1. Use space efficiently

You should try and incorporate the use of vertical space to truly ensure you have a productive warehouse. Vertical storage also helps remove unnecessary clutter on your business ground floor.

  1. Integrate all systems effectively

Material handling equipment cover basically all the elements in the business supply chain right from the source of the shipping and even returns, using logistics. Ensure you integrate every element of the system carefully to try and reduce your inventory levels to exact the match of your consumer’s needs.

  1. Mechanize and automate where possible

Most industrial material handling equipment can now be mechanized or automated. Go this route when possible as it is more effective, efficient, and saves more time. Your workers can also man the equipment from a distance.

  1. Implement green practices

The environmental principle will ensure that you consider the environmental impacts of your business even as you strive to achieve your business goals. Try to limit waste by choosing the handling equipment which doesn’t produce greenhouse gasses.

  1. Consider the equipment’s entire working life and systems

The entire working life of equipment can be calculated by adding the whole price of the equipment to the expenses you have incurred throughout the time you have been using the machine to the point where you will have to replace it.

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