
Top 5 Packaging Trends in the Industry

From year to year, there are always changes in the packaging industry. Some are subtle changes, while some completely change the game. To stay relevant and able to meet the needs and desires of your consumers, you will need to make sure that you always keep an eye on the latest packaging trends.

To help you with this, we have put together a list of the packaging trends that are emerging this year and look to continue into the next. Here are the top five packaging trends of the year:

1. Packaging becomes more environmentally conscious

With the younger generation being the more concerned about the environment than any other generation before it, these packaging trends have become very important to consumers. You may have noticed that packing peanuts have all but disappeared in favour of other means of packaging protection that have a much lower carbon footprint. The boxes that products are shipped in are also increasingly being made from recycled materials.

There is a huge push on at the moment to limit the amount of plastic in all packaging and substitute them with eco-friendly packaging supplies. A spotlight has been aimed directly at the harmful effects that this material is having on the environment.

There has even been a lot of research into using plant-based packaging.  This might seem like an outlandish idea. However, when a brand announces that they are using packaging made from algae that will protect their products and also bio-degrade in a matter of months, it makes for great PR.

2. There are changes in ecommerce

The package that you used to deliver a product to a customer in the past only needed to be functional. It would facilitate the safe transportation of good from the distribution centre to the consumer. In today’s ecommerce world you need to be a little more thoughtful when it comes to package design. A quick trip to YouTube will show you all you need to know about the unboxing craze.

This is where people will carefully document the experience of unboxing a product they receive in the mail. By having a unique and well designed package you will garner much more interest and shares through these motivated YouTubers.

There is also a strong desire to be able to provide an easy return method. If your packaging can be easily used to resend a package back should it be damaged, faulty, or unwanted this can go a long way to increase your customer loyalty and satisfaction.

3. Minimalistic packaging goes a long way

The design of the packaging of products has come a long way over the years. More and more brands are opting for a minimalist style of packaging for some very important reasons. The first comes down to cost. The less material that you use when packaging a product, the less it will cost to produce and ship. This stipped down design of packaging will also create the appearance of an environmentally conscious approach to package design.

From a consumer’s point of view, a simple design can be very important for another reason. There is clarity in simplicity. If you want to communicate something clearly when you ship a product then cluttering the package with lots of information will confuse and distract.

A great example of this is an Amazon package. They use the tape to promote their Amazon Prime TV service. Often highlighting a new show’s release. One simple message that is easy to understand in the few seconds it takes to pick up a package and start to open it.

4. Vintage packaging styles are popular

One of the most inventive and impressive trends that are becoming more commonplace is the use of vintage designs and colour patterns. This is not unique to packaging design more of a general change in the aesthetics that are in the home and fashion at the moment and we are heading into a second round of the roaring ’20s. These are packaging trends that we expect to continue.

When it comes to package design there is also something authentic about vintage design. By tapping into the nostalgic component your brand will be able to deeply resonate with your audience on an emotional level.

5. Black and white packaging can make an impact

This can create a really powerful statement. It might seem that your brand will be lost by doing this but if anything you will be able to have your customers identify one of your packages from 100 paces. This can be a very interesting way to simply and effectively create brand association between your brand and your goods that you ship.

When your customers see one of your packages, there should be a release of endorphins at the side of it. Knowing that the product that they have ordered has been delivered can be a great feeling.

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